What is the Virgin Forest ?

Virgin Forest is where Justin and Feena arrive at after the sea voyage across the Sea of Mermaids.

Field Map

Legends : S - Save Point, V - DungeonScope, ! - Action Icon

Virgin Forest (1)

Virgin Forest (1) map

* There is a Save Point and a stashing place inside the ship.

Virgin Forest (2)

Virgin Forest (2) map

Virgin Forest (3)

Virgin Forest (3) map

Virgin Forest (4)

Virgin Forest (4) map



1Slouch Weed
2Thor's Fury
3Torte's Whistle
4Health Weed
5Water CharmAccessory: +4 water resistance
6Seed of Running
7Resurrect Potion
8Golden Potion
9Seed of Magic
10Leaf ShieldShield: DEF+12, +2 poison resistance


Chameleon21060600Chameleon Armor
Huge Pupa3006059-
Land Slug2206541Poison Antidote
Sweet Moth1606051Swallowtail Hat
Trent (Body)224920002900-
Trent (Arm)136610001800-
Trent (Flower)138510001800-

Virgin Forest Walkthrough

Go east after landing on the beach.

Dangerous plants:
There are several species of carnivorous plant in the Virgin Forest.

  • Hopping grass - you get damaged by stomped by it
  • Venus flytrap-like plant - try to eat you when you get close to it
  • Purple flower - try to eat you from above when you get close to it
  • Giant yellow flower - it spit you out when you stand in the center (the flight path is indicated by a cyan arrow in the map above)

You will meet Guido towards the eastern end of the Virgin Forest (1). You are invited into Guido's Tent and can rest overnight after asking him three questions. Next morning, go east after paying him 100G.

Guido's Tent:
You can Save (free) and/or Recover (10G) anytime after the overnight stay by talking to Guido.

Keep on going east in the Virgin Forest (2).
Use Action Icons <!> to cross a pond west-to-east (A), then cross a river east-to-west (B), and finally cross the pond south-to-north (C).
At Point D, you will meet a local boy named Nicky who then disappears immediately.

At the Point E in the Virgin Forest (3), a mysterious voice is heard. You will then fall into a trap. After a confrontation with Rapp, you together with Rapp will fight the boss "Trent" to save captured Nicky.

After defeating Trent, you become a friend with Rapp who joins your party.
Exit the Virgin Forest (4) and go to the Cafu Village.

In the Virgin Forest (4), an enemy called "Chameleon" lurks near 8 and 9. Chameleons are very fast moving but you get lots of gold if you defeat them.

Boss Battle


Sleep GasSleep (range)
Flower BeamForest damage (straight line)

Trent is a plant-type monster.
It is consist of three parts: Trent (body), Arm and Flower. You can defeat the boss by decreasing Trent's HP to zero (ignoring the Arm and the Flower).

The boss is weak against fire and wind. Powerful fire spells, Justin's "Lotus Cut" and Feena's "Fire Whip" is very effective.