What is the Underground Ruins ?

Underground Ruins is the Shrine for the Mogay that lies beneath the Town of Zil Padon.

The entrance to the Underground Ruins is by the fountain in the center of the town. You need the Medal of Wisdom to open it.

Dungeon Map

Legends : S - Save Point, V - DungeonScope

Underground Ruins (1 - 4)

Underground Ruins (1 - 4) map

※ A stashing place is available next to the Save Point

Underground Ruins (Shrine 1 - 2)

Underground Ruins (Shrine) map

Underground Ruins (B1 - B3)

Underground Ruins (B1 - B3) map

※ A stashing place is available next to the Save Point



1All-Around Seed
2Warp ShoesShoes: Warps during attacks
3Seed of Magic
4Lightning CharmAccessory: +2 lightning resistance
5Miracle Drink
6Seed of Power
7Main GaucheSword: ATK+44, DEF+10
8Seed of Defense
9Resurrect Potion
10Seed of Running
11Counter RingAccessory: May return normal attacks
12Medal of KnowledgeMedal for getting to Alent
13Seed of Power
14Seed of Running
15Mana Egg
16Revival Stone
17Seed of Power
18Seed of Speed
19Crimson Potion
20Earth CharmAccessory: +4 earth resistance
21Seed of Speed
22Demon Eye StoneAccessory: Speeds casting of spells
23Fruit of Magic


Lich37273100Pretty Jewel
Warp Man34598115Warp Shoes
Sphytaros421100125Move Breaker
Bird Skull3509285Panacea
Pretty Jewel
Magic Head23580200-
Ruin Guard450039505160-
Ruin Guard (Ax)23502000-Thunder Arrow
Ruin Guard (Boomerang)23502000-Pretty Jewel

Underground Ruins Walkthrough

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Ruins (2) - Push a switch at a point A to open the gate that leads to a point B.
  2. Ruins (2) - Step aboard on moving platforms from B to C, then C to D.
  3. Ruins (2) - Step aboard on moving platforms from E to F, then F to G.
  4. Ruins (1) - Go inside the Ruins (Shrine 1).
  5. Ruins (Shrine 1) - Fight the boss "Ruin Guard".
  6. Ruins (Shrine 2) - Pick up the "Medal of Knowledge".
  7. Ruins (2) - Go back to a point G and you will see Garlyle Force lead by General Baal.
  8. Ruins (1) - Go to a point I and jump off the cliff and make your way to the Ruins (3).
  9. Ruins (3) - You will be surrounded by Garlyle soldiers at a point J, but managed to run away from them when Golems reactivated.
  10. Ruins (4) - You are separated from the rest of your party when you reach a point K.
  11. Ruins (B3) - You woke up alone at a point L. Make your way to Ruins (4) by going through B2 and B1 by yourself.
  12. Ruing (4) - You find Mullen who pushes you into an elevator that get you to Ruins (Exit).
  13. Ruins (Exit) - Make your way out of the Underground Ruins.
  14. Outside - You witness General Baal with Feena getting onto the Grandeur and taking off. Guido and Rapp arrive on the Flying Manta and you chase the Grandeur.

Boss Battle

Ruin Guard

Ruin Guard
Zap!Lightning damage (range)
HealerRecover 100 HP (1)
VanishRemoves buffs/debuffs (all)
BoomerangDamage (1)

Ruin Guard is a two-headed demon who has an Ax and Boomerang as weapons.
The boss is comprised of three parts: Ruin Guard itself, an Ax and a Boomerang. They act independently from each other but you can defeat the boss by reducing Ruin Guard's HP to zero.

Characteristics of three parts are:

  • Ruin Guard - Weak against fire and earth, but resistant to wind and water.
  • Ax - Weak against all elements. It does not have special moves but normal attack has a very wide attacking range.
  • Boomerang - Weak against wind and water, but resistant to fire and earth. Very agile.

To avoid getting multiple member getting hit by range attacks such as ax attack and Zap!, use Evasion to spread apart.
It is best to cast few "Diggin" to raise your defense level as the boss does lots of physical attacks. However the boss can cast Vanish to remove all buffs/debuffs.