What is the Brinan Plateau ?

Brinan Plateau is located south of the Savanna Wilderness.

You left Zil Padon and travel across the Savanna Wilderness, now you must make your way through the mountainous path of the Brinan Plateau in order to reach the Laine Village.

Field Map

Legends : S - Save Point, V - DungeonScope, ! - Action Icon

North Brinan

North Brinan map

South Brinan

South Brinan map



1Restraint Walnut
2CramponsShoes: DEF+8, MOVE+10
3Seed of Power
4Seed of Life
5Fire SwordSword: ATK+38, attribute fire
6Silence SwordSword: ATK+40, magic block effect
7Explosion CharmAccessory: +2 explosion resistance


Mountain Ape330100200Mikeroma Scroll
Snow Boar2468078-

Brinan Plateau Walkthrough

To Laine Village

You start from the north end of "North Brinan". Go all the way south to reach the next area of "South Brinan".

Ice Blocks:
There are several large ice blocks that are blocking the path. You can destroy then by pressing ○ button.

In "South Brinan", if you activate an Action Icon <!> at the point B, a snow ball will start rolling down the hill and eventually stops at the point b. The snow ball fills the gap making it walk-able. Go south and you will reach the exit of the Brinan Plateau, to Laine Village.

Fire Sword:
If you activate an Action Icon <!> at the point A, you can walk across the point a. You will find a Fire Sword at the end of the path.

After escaping from the Grandeur

After successfully rescuing Feena from the Granduer, you arrive at Guido's Tent next to the Save Point in North Brinan.
Head back to the Laine Village once Feena finally wakes up.