What is the Laine Village ?

Laine Village is situated south of the Brinan Plateau and is the home village of Milda.
You arrived to this village in the end of spring but plenty of snow still remains

The Three Wise Men of Laine live here. They are experts in Angelou civilization that you seek desperately.


Laine Village map
  1. Dorlin's House
  2. House 2
  3. Milda's House
  4. House 1
  5. Derlin's House
  6. Blacksmith
  7. Barn
  8. Shop
  9. Vacant House
  10. Inn



Item Shop
Magic Block Charm2000
Move Block Charm3500
Chain Earrings5000
Smoked Salmon500
Prime Rib1000
Resurrect Potion3000
Launch Fireworks1200
Overflowing Walnuts3000
Restraint Walnut2800
Sonic Walnut1400
Running Walnut700
Weapon Shop
Ice Pick8600
Silence Sword11000
War Hammer11000
Bonesplitter Ax9800
Buster Ax32000
Morning Star9600
Armor Shop
Mink Coat8000
Ogre Helm4000
Iron Clogs1500
Ogre Boots2000

Main Events

Three Wise men (Darlin, Derlin and Dorlin)

After traversing through the Brinan Plateau, you will meet Darlin, Milda's husband and one of the Three Wise Men upon arrival.
At Milda's house, ask Darlin all three questions ("Who are the Icarians?", "How can we help the petrified people"" and "What's Gaia have to do with Angelou?"). He then tells you to see Derlin.

Derlin, who is the expert in the Angelou history, tells you to see Dorin next.
Dorlin, who know how to get to Alent, is behaving very strangely. Apparently he is dumb because he is missing his horn which holds the knowledge. Now you must go to Abandoned Laine Village in south-west to bring back Dorlin's horn that was left behind.

Dorlin resurrection

Dorlin is back to himself after putting back the "Horn of Knowledge" that you brought back from the Abandoned Laine Village.
He inspect your Medal of Wisdom and tells you that is the key to the Shrine of Zil Padon. He also tells you that there you will find the Medal of Knowledge which is the key to Alent.

The key to the Portal of Angelou spoken of in the Words of Yore!
No, not to the Shrine of Alent. It is for a place you know well... the Shrine of Zil Padon
According to the Words of Yore, Alent was the Shrine of Knowledge, and Zil Padon the Shrine of Wisdom. Both floating shrines, and both possessing the key to the other, entrusted to those who were worthy.

The three eyes on the Shrine door in the middle of Zil Padon judge the worth of the entrant.
The Mogay, the oldest people on the ground, are said to possess the Medal of Knowledge. This is also the key to Alent.
The Mogay are a most ancient people, said to have descended with the Shrine of Zil Padon in the age of Angelou.
The Mogay control the Shrine of Zil Padon and will open the door only if you prove worthy.

To go to Alent, go first to Zil Padon and obtain the Medal of Knowledge, the key to Alent.
Throw it into the Rainbow Spring and the long-closed door to Alent will open once again.

When you step out of Dorlin's house, Milda leaves your party so that she want to take care of Darlin.
Three of you now head back to the Zil Padon once again.

To the Rainbow Mountain

After rescuing Feena from the Grandeur, you return here to receive clues as to how to get to Alent.
First, go talk to Darlin who tells you to see Dorlin. He tells you that you can go to Alent via Rainbow Mountain.

Guess it's time to show you the way.
First, throw the Medal of Knowledge into the beautiful spring behind the village.
You'll see a rainbow. The rainbow on the spring'll lead y'all to Alent.
Then you'll find what you're lookin' for.

To Rainbow Mountain and Rainbow Spring!
Git a'goin'!
To this place, Alent!

Sub Events

Derlin's sons

Derlin's three sons (Lerdin, Linden and Denly) are standing in front of the Derlin's House.
You will witness their coming of age as the story progress.

Mistress Liete

After Liete joins your party, You can introduce Liete to Dorlin who is a big fan of her. He will be very delighted to see her finally.