What is the Town of Zil Padon ?

Town of Zil Padon is located south of the Zil Desert and is the largest town in the continent.
Water is abundant and canals flow from the middle of the town. The canals also divides the town into three sections (north - Alqada, south - Rafane, west - Mogay).

This is the town in which you pass by while attempting to go to Laine Village from Cafu Village.


Town of Zil Padon map
  1. Oasis
  2. General Store
  3. Fortuneteller Oliva's Tent
  4. Hotel Alqada
  5. House 1
  6. House 2
  7. Alqada Spice
  8. Rafane Cafe
  9. Apartment
  10. Mogay House 1
  11. Mogay Elder's House
  12. Mogay House 2
  13. Fountain



Item Shop
Titan's Ring2000
Root of Confusion400
Trudge Weed150
Resurrect Potion3000
Magic Lamp7500
Crimson Potion1500
Deep Blue Potion5000
Golden Potion3000
Weapon Shop
Assassin's Dagger20000
Gil Sword8600
Holy Sword Lorenzo40000
Lassic Hammer17500
Exorcising Bow12000
Fire Darts9800
Armor Shop
Aura Armor20000
Moonlight Shield5700
Feathered Turban2000
Mystic Mask4000
Queen Heels5000
Heavy Boots2000

Main Events

To Laine

Milda suggest to stay at the hotel upon entering the town after a long walk across the Zil Desert.
You will witness a quarrel among three species, then go inside and stay at the Hotel Alqada.

Next morning, cross the Savanna Wilderness and the Brinan Plateau in order to reach Laine Village in the south.

Mogay Elder

You will have to come back here after hearing about the Shrine of Zil Padon from Dorlin.
When you get to a fountain in the middle of the town, Gina comes along and tells you that the Mogay Elder is waiting to see you.

Enter the Mogay Elder's House and Guido will ask you "Why do you want to go to Alent?". Of three choices, choose "To protect the world we live in". Guido then congratulates you saying you are the proper person to go to Alent and he will join your party. Guido stops the "barrier water" so you can enter the Undergound Ruins.

Gaia Attack

Refer to "Town of Zil Padon (2)" after the Gaia is resurrected.

Sub Events

News reporter

There is a Mogay news reporter by the south entrance. He can read you his news.

After crossing the Zil Desert
"Access to Cafu restricted!?" "Favorable reviews for Alqada massage"
After returning from Laine Village
"Cheers returns to Gumbo" "Pattern of increasing refugees"

Guido's request

A Mogay in the Mogay House 1 will give you Blue Medicine after Guido joins your party.